Robust Publisher Compliance Data

Use our platform to ensure your campaigns target publishers that provide excellent user experiences and are always compliant with modern industry best practices.

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Prospecting ROI Lift
Impression Viewability Lift
Targeting ROI Lift
Make the Longtail Work

Internet Scale Compliance Data for Any Publisher

Robust Quality Signals

Get the whole picture for every publisher. Our platform offers detailed information on user experience, advertising quality, content intelligence, technologies, and more. Tailor compliance checks to match your specific needs and industry standards, ensuring every campaign aligns perfectly with your expectations.

Advanced Risk Management

Protect your campaigns with our monitoring that identifies and flag suspicious activities across publisher sites. Update your exclusions lists of non-compliant or high-risk publishers based on the latest data, ensuring ongoing protection.

Enrich your data with signals from millions of publishers in minutes.

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Seamless Compliance with Standards

Stay connected and compliant. Our platform stays up to date with regulatory standards across the industry, helping you maintain compliance in a changing landscape.

“DeepSee plays an essential role in our evaluation and classification of domains, helping us spend budgets in the most brand safe and ad friendly environments possible.”
Robin Strauss
“In tackling the challenges of a post-cookie advertising world, our collaboration with has been instrumental. They equip us with comprehensive site intelligence and actionable data, enabling the curation of premium programmatic inventory strategies that focus on quality, high-impact and user-respectful experiences.”
David Nyurenberg
Rain for Growth
“Mediavine's core business strategy has always been to monetize and support human content creators. We've turned to DeepSee to aid us in monitoring quality across our publisher set of over 11,000 sites, giving advertisers the reassurance necessary to successfully capitalize on the open internet.”
Brad Hagmann
Senior Vice President
“DeepSee tools enable our teams to get a head start on troubleshooting partner issues. This saves our team valuable time allowing us to scale and spend more time focused on driving revenue with more partners.”
Scott Wolke
Director, Publisher Operations

Get Started in Minutes

Reduce time consuming adops work, multiply performance.

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